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Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project
Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project

Redesign of the Entrance Experience - Design Thinking Project

Redesign of the entrance experience of the Potsdam Museum. Design Thinking at Hasso-Plattner-Institut.

Team: Darius Bruer, Katharina Kohler, Zoe Perry, Eva Spillmann, Henrik Wenck

Year: 2019/2020.

In collaboration with the city museum of Potsdam, the team worked on designing a new entrance experience in terms of spatial and experiential planning so that orientates and navigates, as well as sets the tone in an interactive manner for the museum visitors taking into consideration the two exhibitions that are about the city’s past, and present & future.

Through interviews and immersion inside the Potsdam Museum and beyond, we found out that visitors have different needs: Some wish for an interactive and stimulating experience, while others look for the possibility to reflect on their personal history in the city, as well as to deepen fresh knowledge acquired in the museum’s exhibitions. Furthermore, we found out that visitors have difficulties to orientate in the museum. Thus, we figured that the challenge was really about four needs to be addressed: representa- tion of people and life of Potsdam, interaction, and the (spatial) opportunity for reflection and orientation.